NOTE: The following post has been manually mirrored from my Gemini
gemlog. For more information, read this
hiyerrrrr y'alright! been a while since i posted a gemlog!! i've been
slightly more active on my weblog but also not really woops. as
consolation i'll be mirroring this post to my blog. so if you're on the
web reading this and wondering wtf i'm talking about: don't worry about
it babe (okay ❤️ yay ❤️)
i don't really have anything to say on here but i've not posted for a
lil bit and wanted to say hiii i'm still alive! everyone did
retrospectives of 2024 around the new year and i thought about doing
that but i had nothing to really say about last year and now it is the
22nd of january which is a bit late for that LOL
thought about doing a round-up of my crochet projects from last year but
the one i was happiest with (my second attempt at the gnome boy i posted
on this blog) i never actually photographed. and i no longer have it
because it was a gift LMAO. and i have many other things to show BUT
they're christmas gifts i never actually gave to the person in question
because of busy schedules and emergencies coming up meaning we never got
to hang out. SO! no crochet project roundup. soz
i got lots of lovely crochet-related gifts for christmas though which
was super lovely! currently slowly working on a crochet tote bag, but
i've not done any work on it for a short while now just because i've
spent my little free time doing other things like gaming :3
that big post i was planning to make is still in draft limbo. if i ever
admit to myself that i probably have ADHD and get medicated it's SO over
for you bitches. but until then the post is in Blog Limbo... although
honestly i kind of changed my mind on the topic it was about and drifted
from the original idea? and idk how much i agree with what i was trying
to articulate, much less remember how to articulate it.
and yes, my silly little python library is also in limbo too because i
am lazy. well that's not true i just have limited free time and no
deadline on this project LOL. i'm busy gaming right now!! and watching
The Traitors (UK) series 3 with my darling gf! it's a good show but this
series really isn't hitting like the last one i fear. i saw a critic say
the contestants are spending this series thinking too much like
producers instead of players and i'm inclined to agree. like the whole
"we voted off a doctor who was a Faithful because it'd make sense that
the guy who heals people in the day is killing at night". like, fuck
off. silly cunt
video games.. i played The Longing recently! that's that game that takes
400 hours to complete (except not really coz you can speed things up). i
really fell in love with the game and the vibes and world it was trying
to communicate. i also like that the ending does have a reset button
but encourages you not to reset because it is better as a one-off
experience. which i:
1. don't disagree with
2. totally disregarded
see i had ALL achievements except one. and i have a save backup. so i
did restore that save to get that final achievement because just having
ONE achievement left to go was pissing me OFF!!!
i've also started playing Dread Delusion. and god, if i liked the vibes
being communicated and the world being built in The Longing, i fucking
adore those being communicated and built in Dread Delusion. i've
still got plenty to do in the game, but the world and backstory feels so
developed and interesting. i think pulling off a "the world was
decimated in a cataclysmic event that erased all historical records" can
be difficult in any game, especially an indie game with a small team,
because there's the risk it'll feel like a shortcut being taken to avoid
having to properly flesh out the world and deeper lore. Dread Delusion
sort of sidesteps that by managing to flesh out the mysteries of this
lost civilisation effectively and building up plenty of post-cataclysm
lore so the world feels alive. i've still got so much of this game to
explore and i can't wait :3
funny how i said "i don't really have anything to say on here" and yet
here i am going on about anything that pops into my mind LOL. anyways
thankies for reading. if you have any comments/thoughts or just want a
chat honestly, shoot me an email at <3